Monthly Archives: August 2003

supporting the troops

the antic muse has been listening to Rush on our behalf again:

Rush Limbaugh spotlights the heartwarming (and ass-cooling) story of how voluntary donations are our military’s real secret weapon

and comes to this conclusion:

Aside from bringing a whole new meaning to the phrase, “all volunteer army,” Rush seems to suggest that the next time a soldier runs low on something the armed forces should have “totally covered,” mom should send him a new one: “Dear Mike, I’ve enclosed your little sister’s new class picture, the latest Limp Biskit CD, some of those brownies you like, and, oh yes, a brand new automatic assault rifle. Kill the bastards, sweetie!”
I don’t know about you, but this perspective on military readiness frankly scares the shit out of me.

But it is about what one expect’s from rush and the bushies. Oh, and given the plentiful electricity in Iraq just what power source will they be using for the AC?

Jobs or Just Numbers

Plywood does not comprise the total cost of a house. However, this is not good news for job growth:

Vancouver � Reports that the U.S. government has made plywood purchases to support the war effort in Iraq have sent prices soaring to near record highs, a move that analysts say is already having ripple effects in the Canadian timber market.

South Knox Bubba relates anecdotal evidence that builder prices have gone from $6.50 to $17.00/sheet since February. If bush really cares about jobs (see previous post) then he might want to be paying attention to these real life impacts of his policies…

Numbers, Shmumbers

How could the IMF possibly reproach the US administration:

The U.S. budget deficit is hitting “record” levels and even the International Monetary Fund is making a fuss. …
The international bank is set to reproach the U.S. for being too optimistic in its assumptions on government spending and revenue, and lacking a coherent budget plan, according to Reuters.

when the administration is clearly following the plan of that master of public budgets Arnold Schwarzenegger who tells us:

“Let me tell you something. The public doesn’t care about figures. What the people want to hear is, are you willing to make the changes, are you tough enough to go in there and provide leadership.”

and if by chance they do care bush tells them not to:

“I am more concerned about somebody finding a job than about numbers on paper,” Bush told reporters Friday.

Yep, I think I’ll try out these ideas on to my mortgage holder when the next payment comes due.

Interrogation and Rights

From a recent Newsweek article:

The United States figures it can get plenty out of the newly captured Chemical Ali. But how? And are these �interrogation� techniques being readied for American citizens?

Apparently they are already being used on Americans. Read the whole article and then think again about the closing paragraph:

If the courts buy this line of argument, then we Americans can kiss our sweet rights goodbye. And reading the admiral�s brief, you have to ask yourself if that isn�t really the goal: to give the president and his people the power to treat all Americans like Jos� Padilla, unless and until we give the answers expected of us.

Via Perverse Action Memory.