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Late Night Reading – 2

Barton Aronson, Findlaw, argues that the Washington State Supreme Court was wrong in saying that the police needed a warrant to utilize a GPS system to track a suspect.
Gosh, Spiderman has used a tracker for years so it must be ok.
On the other hand I can see ashcroft insisting that everyone must be trackable, tracked and all the data linked to his database. If the current law is uncertain or leans in the direction of not requiring a warrant then, perhaps, it should be tightened up and made clear that a warrant should be required.
Good Night!

Keep’m Out

Here is a view of the Texas redistricting hoax, from Alex Knapp, that I hadn’t thought about:

If there’s one thing that Republicans and Democrats can and do agree on, it’s outrageous election rules that make any viable third party practically impossible.

Alex was inspired by this Chris Muir day by day cartoon.

Moderately Right-Wing?

Or why to read the comments.
At first I thought I had misunderstood bilmon, proprietor of the Whisky Bar, as Ampersand said:

Whisky Bar (which I’ve just added to the moderately right-wing section of my blogroll) links to

and started to write a different post then this.
Then I read the comments where bilmon sets the record straight:

Guess again. I’m a flaming pinko leftist — i.e. I despise Clinton because I think he’s too frickin’ conservative.

And Ampersand apologizes:

Whoops! Sorry, I had taken you for a liberal democrat. Okay-dokey, I’ve reclassified you.

Please proceed to recalibrate your left-right scales: liberal democrat=moderately right-wing.