Baseball Blogging 3 comments

Every baseball team owner in the country should jump on the idea of adding WiFi access to their stadiums like the Giants:

SBC asked what technology initiatives we were looking at, and a natural confluence was the Wi-Fi. It was a no-brainer, because the ROI issue went out the window — our major sponsor wanted to install this for us.

Yea, their sponsor paid for it but it seems like this would provide great marketing opportunities and reinvigorate the weekday afternoon game.
If you are a wired worker who spends most of your time writing, researching and exchanging email just maybe a connected afternoon at the ballpark will bring you back to the game. I’d certainly be more likely to go to more games though I’d have to give up the 2-3 magazines I usually read in the course of a baseball game (the 1/year I currently go to).
This probably won’t catch on at football games as there are so few of them at a particular venue though there are plenty of breaks in the action. The idea probably wouldn’t work that well for soccer or basketball where the action is fairly constant. Well, except for the televised basketball games (especially the NCAAs) that are ruined by the repeated long commercial time outs.
Via Ernie the Attorney.

3 thoughts on “Baseball Blogging

  • anchor2

    I’ve been looking around and came across your site by accident. The information you link to from your home page is quite informative so thanks for taking the time to post it.

  • Thomas

    I see Roger getting 400 wins. Why? Work ethic…be honest…who outworks Roger? Anybody?
    He’s in great shape…and he’s just so darn competitive (ask Piazza). Never mind that he’s in the NL (which by the way is not as big an advantage like everyone thinks but the lack of a DH does help). I do think he’s the greatest of all time (Pedro will be right there soon) because he’s done this over a couple of different eras of hitting…at a time when guys are hitting 50 hrs like its a cakewalk…Roger just keeps mowing em down.
    One last thing….he doesn’t get 370 if he comes to the Yankees so I hope he doesn’t, although there’s not a NY fan that would protest his return…including me.

  • Timothy

    I’m just so mad at this time. The Chicago White Sox just won the World Series, after waiting so long to do it. I’ve been a very big fan of the team every since I was a little kid. But this latest trade of Jim Throme for Aaron Rowand is the dumbest thing this team has ever done(even including the 1919 scandal that was, excuse me for saying it this way, bullshit). This is one of those time you really don’t want to wake a sleeping baby. Why mess with success, well here is your answer, because thats what the Sox do. For some reason the Sox don’t know a good thing when it happens. If you have a winning team why mess with it, just like if you had cancer and the meds you where on worked great, why would you change them. All I have to say is that I can see why so many people have lost intrest in this game, because of the stupid stuff they do.

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