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w-cool Does the Rap

Julian Sanchez recreates the self deprecating part of w’s acceptance speech:

Even hardline Kerry voters of my acquaintance found this at least temporarily disarming, and one suggested that Bush must’ve taken a page from Bunny Rabbit’s final rap-battle in the Eminem movie 8 Mile. Now that, I thought, is something I’d like to see. So, with apologies to Slim Shady, here’s what I imagine that might sound like�it helps if you picture Cheney behind him scratching Toby Keith on a turntable:
This is hilarious…go to Julian’s Lounge right now to read the rap.
Via Catallarchy.

cheney wants to stay in office

Yea, I know, no surprise there.
Radly posts:

A Cynic Might Point Out Who Was in Office the First Time We Got Hit
Vice President Cheney:

It’s absolutely essential that eight weeks from today, on Nov. 2, we make the right choice, because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we’ll get hit again and we’ll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States.

Geez, is it getting ugly.

I have a couple questions for cheney and company:
1. Who have you bought off to assure it won’t happen before 11/2 or, if you are reelected, afterwards?
2. Gosh, what strange argument will you use in 2008? Or will that have given you guys enough time to suspend the constitution?
3. Is there any reason not to think that you are the wrong choice?
NB: Neither bush nor kerry warrants a position as powerful as that of president of the US. Perhaps no one does.

cheney Yes, cheney No and Both are Wrong

Well, there is just no agreement in the cheney family these days:

Lynne Cheney, the vice president’s wife and mother of a lesbian, said Sunday that states should have the final say over the legal status of personal relationships.
That stand puts her at odds with the vice president on the need for the constitutional amendment now under debate in the Senate that effectively would ban gay marriage.
While her position is certainly preferrable to that of her husband I can not, as does Alex Knapp, agree with it.
We would all be better off, i.e., it would promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity1, if neither state legislatures nor congress involved themselves in the legal status of personal relationships beyond regularizing the contract law that applies to the freely chosen relationships of informed, consenting adults.
1Preamble to the Constitution