One Thing That obama May Not Be Changing…
….ongoing increases in the defense budget.
As Henley, who is not a mean old man, says: this is not change we can believe in.
….ongoing increases in the defense budget.
As Henley, who is not a mean old man, says: this is not change we can believe in.
Is this why students don’t protest the Iraq War?
And, perhaps, because:
Second, the mainstream media these days ensures that even the most succesful protests get little air-time.
But why put all the burden on students? Where are all the protest tested boomers? Oh, yea, they are part of the establishment now and have too much at risk to take to the streets again.
Via Crooks and Liars Via Avedon.
Just in case those of you living in the land of the american taliban were wondering what the fox censors bleeped last night here is what Sally Fields said:
“If mothers ruled the world, there wouldn’t be any god -” she said when the sound went dead and the camera suddenly turned away from the stage so viewers would be distracted. Chopped off were the words “god-damned wars in the first place.”
Some of us think the problem is that there are rulers and ruler wanna-bes presidents in the first place not what sex they are.
I will grant that if all the councils, legislatures, parliaments and other elected, appointed and usurped government positions around the planet were 80-90% mothers that we would live in a very different worldwide culture. Perhaps one without war.
Via skippy.
The russians continue their recent saber waving with the announcement of a new bomb:
THE Russian military has successfully tested what it described as the world’s most powerful non-nuclear air-delivered bomb, Russia’s state television reported on Tuesday.
“The tests have shown that the new air-delivered ordnance is comparable to a nuclear weapon in its efficiency and capability,” said Colonel General Alexander Rukshin, a deputy chief of the Russian military’s General Staff, in televised remarks.
Unlike a nuclear weapon, the bomb doesn’t hurt the environment, he added.
Right, that little bit of show and tell in the above picture goes off and nothing happens except:
The Russian weapon’s blast radius is 990 feet, twice as big as that of the US design, the report said. Like its US predecessor, first tested in 2003, the Russian bomb is a “thermobaric” weapon that explodes in an intense fireball combined with a devastating blast.
It explodes in a terrifying nuclear bomb-like mushroom cloud and wreaks destruction through a massive shock wave created by the air burst and high temperature.
But, you know, no environmental damage…
The paranoid amongst us might even think that w and p are in cahoots with the military-industrial complex to turn up the heat so that they can create even more demand for military spending.
This series of photos of Hiroshima is not for the faint hearted and for many will not be work safe.
Even the faint hearted should, though, look slowly through these images and contemplate whether there can ever be a justification for using nuclear weapons or, for that matter, tactics that burn out entire cities.
Via MetaFilter.