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Failed Administration

cheney tells us:

“The biggest threat we face now as a nation is the possibility of terrorists ending up in the middle of one of our cities with deadlier weapons than have ever before been used against us — biological agents or a nuclear weapon or a chemical weapon of some kind to be able to threaten the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans,” Cheney said.
This is as clear a statement of failure by the current administration as I have seen. What they have been doing during the last four years has not worked.
Via Prometheus 6.

Living Up to The Commitment

It is to bad that cheney-bush failed to live up to this cheney statement from the 2000 cheney-lieberman debate:

I think this is an extraordinarily important decision we’re going to make on November 7. We’re really going to choose between what I consider to be an old way of governing ourselves of high levels of spending, high taxes, an ever more intrusive bureaucracy, or a new course, a new era, if you will. And Governor Bush and I want to offer that new course of action.
In 2000 Cheney almost captured Ann Althouse with this approach.
Well, maybe we did get a new course, a new era. One defined by higher levels of spending, a more intrusive bureacracy, increased secrecy, and, yes, more federal-corporate cronyism.
Via Professor Bainbridge.

Then and Now

kennedy in 1963

Bush supporters dismiss world opinion. saying Europeans don’t like us, anyway. But Bush is the first American President in my memory who has to hide from the public when he goes abroad.
Hmmm, it seems that bush and cheney also hide from the public in the US. Unless, of course, the rally attendees have signed their loyalty oath or put in their time doing campaign work.