Monthly Archives: October 2003

Weapons, Combat and the Movies

zombyboy reports on an article about some new and improved military technology, in particular some advanced missile defense stuff which is pretty cool.
I’ve been a big fan of this kind of stuff since reading space opera stuff as a 5/6th grader.
I also know that this type of technology gives you an advantage for a time. Then some other technique is used to counter. Oh, and then your opponents have it so your cruise missiles aren’t effective any longer.
But it is fun to think about and I suppose we ought to be somewhat prepared if the SETI team runs across some real bad folk.
Also, very interesting is the right angle gun right angle gun a little further down the article. This could dramatically change the dynamics of individual combat especially in urban settings but also for the poor dude who used to have to be the one to stick his head over the rock to see if anyone was there. Also, apply to urban police ineractions.
Think of all the future tv/movie scenes that will change with the introduction of this weapon.
My question is….now that I see it …what took so long?

Preparing our Children

I wonder if there might be a relationship between these two articles. First, is this study that investigated what electronic stuff parents have been putting in their kid’s bedrooms:

The study showed significant percentages of children with TVs in their bedrooms in even the youngest age ranges: 30 percent for kids 3 and under, and 26 percent for kids under 2, compared with 36 percent for all kids 6 and under.

The second story, lost in the headlines about Bank of America taking over FleetBoston Financial is this story about BofA exporting some of their technical jobs:

But virtually no attention was paid just days earlier when BofA said it will move more operations abroad by setting up a subsidiary in India next year to handle key tech functions, many involving sensitive customer information.

Maybe these parents kind of intuitively know that there may not be any challenging work available in the US by the time these 2 year olds reach adulthood and are preparing them for the good life of a skilless job and evenings watching sitcoms or whatever other brain deadening fare is being served up.

Things are Going Well in Iraq

Last April Josh Marshall wrote about a time, then 6 months in the future, when things would be going well for the bushies. That future is now and we have all heard or read w’s words about how well things are going.
Marshall’s article does not provide an exact match to today’s circumstances but it certainly does provide a clear alternate take on what the administration might mean by going well.
Go give it a read or re-read as the case may be.
Via Bilmon’s comment thread.

w’s Focus

w, at a press conference today, speaks on the presidential campaign and his focus:

�We’re arming, raising money to wage a campaign. And there will be an appropriate time for me to engage politically; that is, in the public forum.�
�To me, there’s a difference between that and actually engaging potential opponents in a public discourse in a debate. And there will be ample time for that. There will be ample time to differentiate views and to defend records in the face of political criticism. And I know that the campaign has started for some, in terms of the public debate from a political perspective. It just hadn’t for me yet.�
�I’m focused on the security of the American people, working with Congress to get a Medicare bill and an energy bill.�

Which is why it must not have been him out doing this:

If you had the time and money to trot around the country to attend all of President Bush’s recent fundraising speeches, you’d find him both scaring and reassuring his listeners about terrorists.

Yes, I know this isn’t unique to w. clinton, bush sr, etc., all abused their position as president to engage in fundraising efforts. I just wish they wouldn’t lie about what they are focused on and wouldn’t rip off the tax payers to fund these jaunts.