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Ideological Purity II

As promised I retook the Libertarian Purity test. This time I tried to take on the persona of a libertarian minarchist: score 105. What I don’t know is whether this would meet Professor Caplan’s scoring for a minarchist since his grading scale is really based on perfection being a pure anarcho-capitalist.
Tomorrow, if time permits, I’ll be someone with libertarian leanings and a more practical view of the next 20-40 years.
Oh yea, Jim Henley discusses all of this a bit here.


Cool! Modulator just evolved into a Large Mammal.
Note to Modulator staff: this is great but since you are 388 spots away from the top of the category and only two links away from devolution you’d better be on your toes!

Goin’ Where the Water Tastes Like Wine

I apologize in advance. It is late and this post assumes some prior knowledge as I’m too tired to spend time on backstory which is pretty readily available for those who are interested.
I like good music in small indoor venues much better then in large outdoor amphitheaters and stadiums. The sound stays around you, the mood stays around you and you really can not escape. You must ride out the storm.
Ratdog tonight (3/8) was no exception and an excellent example of why many of us keep going back for more and then more. A perfect storm. Well, not quite but it was clear that the band and Weir in particular were trying. There was a fair amount of experimentation. Some of it worked and some didn’t…I saw Weir grimace several times. No not quite perfect but maybe the next show will be…and even if it is not you will know that they tried, you will be hooked by what they teased and didn’t quite play and just maybe they will play your perfect set list next time.
Let me mention just a few of tonight’s many treats.


Ideological Purity

Well, in this case Libertarian Purity.
Radley Balko, noted Libertarian blogger, scored 98/160 which stikes me as fairly middle of the road though the test site calls this entering “…the heady realm of hard-core libertarianism.” Then I saw in the comment thread that Julian Sanchez scored 79 and Jim Henley 101.
I would have expected these 3 folks to score higher, much higher and since they did not I suspect that how you score on this test has a lot to do with the perspective you use when taking the test and that for the results to be somewhat comparable this bias needs to be included. For instance, I took the test from the perspective of what I thought an anarcho-capitalist might answer and scored 153. Tomorrow I’ll try to take it from the perspective of a libertarian min-archist and see what kind of score I get. Then I’ll try again from the position of ok, I have libertarian leanings but what is practical in the near term (20-40 years).
Yazad raises some other issues with the test including that it is US centric and suggests some other tests that you can try.