Daily Archives: November 10, 2003

Playin’ in the Band

The musicians and musician wannabees among you might be interested in the Berklee College of Music’s new offering of free music related instructional material.
The offering includes material in areas like Songwriting & Arranging, Bass lessons, Production & Technology and more. I’m not a musician and can not vouch for the material though I’m sure it is no where near the depth and quality that you’d get attending their regular classes.
Chris Lehman speculates as to why they would provide this free material:

Several reasons, I can imagine… one, it only increases Berklee’s visibility as it recruits students. Two, many of the lessons are then linked to DVDs that Berklee Press sells, so it will, I am sure, drive their publishing division, which is cool, and three, maybe they actually want to see more people become musicians than they know can come to their school, and this is a way to achieve that goal.

No matter what the reason…this is cool stuff.
Via Professor Lessig.

Over Paying Jobs?

I’ve often wondered about this one:

For a 35-hour workweek, orthodontists earn a median $350,000 a year, according to the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics. General dentists, meanwhile, earn about half as much working 39 hours a week on average, in a much dirtier job.
The difference in their training isn’t like that of a heart surgeon vs. a family-practice doctor. It’s a mere two years, and a vastly rewarding investment if you’re among the chosen: U.S. dental schools have long been criticized for keeping orthodontists in artificially low supply to keep their income up.
This isn’t brain surgery: Orthodontists simply manipulate teeth in a growing child’s mouth — and often leave adjustment work to assistants whose handiwork they merely sign off on. What makes their windfall egregious is that they stick parents with most of the inflated bill, since orthodontia insurance benefits cover nowhere near as large a percentage as for general dentistry.

From this list of the most overpaid jobs. Your mileage may vary on the accuracy of this list.
Via Barry Briggs.

Questions to be Answered

Mark Kleiman asks a couple questions that I’d also like to see some good answers to. First:

I don’t really want to see Rush Limbaugh spend the next twenty-five years of his life in prison, which is what would happen if the laws of the State of Florida were enforced. But I really do want to see the politicians and pundits who support both Limbaugh and the drug war explain why that particular law shouldn’t be enforced in this case, and why it shouldn’t be repealed.


Now that George W. Bush has expressed his support for democracy in the Middle East, can we expect some indication of concern on his part about the evident intention of his friend Pooty-Poot to put an end to it in Russia?

There is more context for both questions in Mark’s posts.

Words, Logic and Current Debate

Some items that may not be in the OED or the Devil’s Dictionary can be found at Ethel the Blog’s Wingnut Debate Dictionary.
An example:

O’Reillyus Interruptus (v): being cut off from making a really good point or argument by a radio or cable TV talk show host. Usually involves being loudly shouted down, having one’s mic cut (if in a studio), or being “potted down” (if calling in to a radio program). Odds of this happening are greatly increased the closer one gets to the truth

Via the Happy Furry Puppy Story.